you have taken the worst thing about gaming, and made it the entire element that this game is built around. To accomplish something by chance is something you should avoid when your trying to make a game, as games are meant to be fun, but by introducing random chance, you make a game frustrating. You might say that it is to add challenge or difficulty, but random chance is more of a bug in a game than anything else. Random chance takes away skill, and with a game like this you leave no room for when your robot does decide to 'glitch' and a bullet hits you and you have to start the level all over again and having to chance your way just to get hit again.
the random chance is the worst thing about this game and nearly any game you can think of. something else like perhaps a delayed reaction would have worked alot better as it would still depend mostly on the player skill, as apposed the computer randomly picking the outcome.
ill be honest i think it was a bad idea to make the entire game about random chance. ill give this a one because it looked pretty well and when it did work, it ran pretty smoothly also and the music suited. but this wasnt really a fun game which is what at most a game should be.